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The Read-Out Instrumentation Signpost
Measurement, Control and Automation Resources throughout the World


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Last change to this page: 22/6/04
Philosophical Preamble

Welcome to the Readout Instrumentation Signpost. This site was set up by Readout - Ireland's journal of Instrumentation and control in the spring of 1995. We aim to provide a resource where I&C professionals can easily find sites which are of interest to them to increase their knowledge, skills and experience.

If you want to be notified of new links or major changes on this site as they occur please complete the form on our New Items Page.
Changes in the Exhibitions Page and News Page, which are updated on a daily basis, will not trigger this to ensure that you will not be notified on a daily basis.


We started the Instrumentation Signpost in 1995 as a service to the readers of Readout - Ireland's journal of instrumentation and control,. When we started it was very difficult to locate sites in our discipline. When a searh was instigated for instrumentation every concievable object from picilos to tubas were thrown up on the screen. So by dint of diligent searching we managed to accumalate a number of useful reference sites which over the years have grown into the site you are now visiting. We have also been honoured to receive a number of awards.

It arose because of the difficulty in finding resources in the areas of instrumentation, systems, automation, measurement, control and industrial communications. What was first set up as a simple collection of bookmarks gradually built up to a quite sizeable collection of links gathered under a variety of headings.

We have adopted a policy of lowest common denominator as regards presentation. Images are kept to a minimum and are not essential to the using of the site. In other words the information is available even if the image loading faciltiy is switched off.

    Recently we have started to feature advertising on this site. We will deliberatly keep this to a minimum with a maximum of two adverts as a rule to each page. Prices are reasonable since in all honesty we are not sure at this early stage how effective advertising for I&C products is on the web. We do know however how many people visit the site each week and have listed these on our Statistics Page. Here is our pricing structure.

Despite this, some of the pages are quite big and we list the approximate sizes and a brief description here. The memory sizes given do not include image memories.

We are delighted to have received some Awards for our pages and we hope you also find this site useful and easy to use.

Use and enjoy!

Eoin Ó Riain


Main Page (10k)

This is our most complex page with some images.

New Items (about 20K)

This page shows any new links from this site which feature in any of the pages other than News or Exhibitions and Conferences pages which change almost daily.

Commercial Pages (4k)

This is the only page that features images as an integral part of the design using company logos, however they are also listed as text entries. These companies pay for their link on this page.

Periodicals (5k)

This lists periodicals, magazines of interest to I&C engineers.

Exhibitions and Conferences (22k)

This is one of our bigger pages and is updated at least once a week and sometimes more frequently.

News Page (25k)

This is also quite big and includes items of news in I&C throughout the world. This page is updated on a daily basis.

Acronyms (40k)

This is the largest page on the site. It lists acronyms and initials in use in the discipline and their meaning. This page is updated four or five times a year and we recomend that the page be printed out rather than looked up from day to day.

Professional Bodies (4k)

This lists links to the home pages of various learned societies and other organisations looking after members interests in I&C and allied professions.

Education and Research (12k)

This lists some resources in this area. A lot of these resources are useful in that they in turn have many links to similar sites.

Standards (4k)

This is the home of the most visited constituant page on the site, the Fieldbus Page (13k). This page won the SENN Best-of-the-Net award.

Jobs Page (4k)

This listing of job resources and agencies is the newest page on the site and it also has a link showing actual Job Opportunities.

News Groups (8k)

This page lists News Groups and Mail Lists in the discipline.

Poetry (5k)

What this page lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality!

Archive (5k)

This lists pages which have appeared in the past (old news pages, back issues of Readout and exhibition reviews).

The site is mantained by Eoin Ó Riain and any suggestions or thoughts are more than welcome.
Suggestions should be mailed to Other Contact Details

The Signpost has been honoured to receive a number of awards.